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Sunday 13th October 2024

We thought we would arrive early tonight, thinking we could set up before people started queuing. Unfortunately, it appears they arrived early to avoid the long queue. As we pulled our full van in, we could already see about 50 people. We could feel the chill, so we started the night by serving home-made soup, and it really did help warm people up.

Once our team were all set up, people worked their way along the tables, those with homes were given items they could take home and prepare meals with, those without took away sandwiches, pastries, snacks and sweet treats, but everyone was provided a hot meal, dessert and hot drinks.

We overheard an individual talking to his other street homeless friends and telling them that he had been accessing our services for the last 8 years and how important and how much he appreciated our support. Another young man we used to come across in our early years as he slept in a doorway. We wouldn’t disturb him, we would cover him with an extra blanket and leave him a bag of food, as we hadn’t seen him for a while, we spoke to him as to how he was and how things were. He stated he’s been in and out of hospital, but due to his mental health, he chooses to be homeless as there are certain aspects of life he finds difficult to cope with, making us feel a little sad. We will never judge him and provide him with support for as long as he requires.

We were hoping to see our friend who was struggling last week, and we provided a hotel bed, but he didn’t show up. He’s in our hopes that all is well, and he was given the support he needed.

A gentleman recently housed after several years. We were asked to provide furniture and appliances for his new home. Again he visited us, telling us he finally plumbed his washing machine in at long last, and he jokingly said he washed everything and how lovely it felt to have and wear clean clothes. We don’t often see this gentleman smile, but he was smiling tonight.

What did make us smile was, 4 weeks ago we paid for 2 nights for an individual that had sadly lost his mum and become homeless. He made a special visit to come out and see us. He had finally been accommodated, he was so grateful for the respite we had provided him as it prepared him to continue persuing the help he needed. He felt it important to let us know his good news. He stated he would always keep us in his prayers. A really nice end to our night tonight.

Thank you to everyone that made our week possible.

Karen for all her support, and cooking a hearty chicken stew.

Thank you, Steve, for always supporting Homeless Hampers with food donations.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for the curry and rice.

Thank you to Leeds 11 Sikh temple for their Dhal, and vegetable curry.

Thank you to everyone that baked Elodie, Jo and Saul.

Kirsten, thank you for your delicious crumble and custard enjoyed by all.

Thank you to Sharon and everyone that donated cake and sandwiches.

Thank you to Helen for making 10 liters of home-made curried soup and mushroom soup tonight. The guys loved it.

Thank you to Sure Care North Nursing home for giving us a good start for the winter months and donating hats and gloves.

Thank you to Singh’s restaurants for their support every week and helping us support the hostels.

This week a special thank you to Menston Library for acting as our drop-off point and taking in some amazing donations from the Menston community of clothes, shoes, rucksacks and even much needed disposable plates and cutlery.

Thank you to all the supermarkets for their generous support, which helps us support the homeless hostels, food bank, community hubs, provide emergency food parcels and the support we offer on a Sunday night.

We ended up supporting 177 people tonight.

A special thank you to our amazing selfless volunteers for giving us their valuable time.


Sunday 6th October 2024

The heavens did open on us tonight; people queuing were soaked through, and the team was drenched, but they remained in good spirits. We supported 111 people tonight.

Some of the homeless community were a bit unhappy with having to queue in the rain; we know it’s not us they are getting at us; it’s their circumstances, especially when they have to sleep out in this with wet clothes.

The first item that we completely ran out of tonight was men’s coats. We are heading towards winter, and we have very few men’s coats. We are desperate for men’s winter coats.

There was a new face in our queue tonight. We worked his way through the queue, ate his meal, and then came and stood under our gazebo. We asked him to move along as other people were waiting to be served. He became a bit hostile just for a few seconds, but something didn’t feel right, so we asked what he wanted, and he said just a hot coffee. Which we provided, he then told us he had only been homeless for 6 months, and he’s between two cities but struggling to get support in either. He became tearful, and we could see his struggle was real and he wanted to give up. We knew the right thing to do was to get him out of the cold, wet weather for tonight so we offered to pay for a hotel bed, but he refused as he knew there are others in the queue that are in the same position as he is in, but tonight we felt his need was greater. We finally talked him around by saying go have a warm shower and sleep in a dry, warm bed, and then tomorrow try again to access the support you need. He finally agreed; we packed him up warm dry clothes and our last coat, and we noticed he had a child’s rucksack; we replaced it with a larger backpack, and he gave us a tearful hug. There are some individuals that really touch us, and he was the one tonight; even coming away tonight made us feel worried for him.

We helped a family set up their new home this week. They have lived in temporary accommodation for some time; dad actually helped transport the furniture and appliances. The smile on his face was just magical as he saw his new home come together. Dad has offered to volunteer with us and offered to do all our heavy lifting. We really appreciate his offer, and it would be our privilege to have him volunteer with us.

This week we managed to offer food support to 3 food banks and 5 homeless hostels in Leeds and Bradford.

We provided breakfast items to the St Anne’s breakfast club and pizza for their Friday lunch club, a nice treat for the guys.

Who made our week possible:

Thank you to Karen for cooking up a hearty chicken casserole and a pasta bake always popular with our service users.

Thank you to Steve for his amazing continued support.

Thank you to the 2 Leeds Sikh temples for supporting us with meals.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating an abundance of food. We were able to fill takeaway containers so people had meals to see them through for a few days, your support is always appreciated.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Thank you to Waddow Hall Trust for boxed cakes and cupcakes, and thank you, Sharon, for organising the collection.

Thank you to The Ilkley Kitchen Paneer Rolls. Really Indian Flapjacks—Tricky Dickies Sticky Toffee Pudding, quiches, and some pastries

A special mention to all the supermarkets, M&S, Sainsburys, and Morrisons, for their amazing food donations.

Another special thank you to the libraries that act as our collection points.

Thank you to the community of Burley in Wharfdale. Your donation has been really focused around the items we require urgently.

Together we will make a difference.💛

Sunday 29th September 2024

We supported 182 people tonight. The guys constantly complained how cold the nights are getting; one individual kept repeating he can’t spend another winter on the streets, which makes us feel really helpless and sad for him. He’s on the waiting list to be rehoused, but nothing suitable has become available. We ensured he had warm clothes and an extra blanket. The sites we sometimes see are difficult all year around, but the winter really affects us; it’s dark, cold, and sometimes wet as we pack up at the end of the night and leave people behind sleeping in doorways and on cold pavements.

We always serve hot food, but tonight custard was back on the menu with cake and rhubarb crumble; the guys just love custard.

As expected, the volunteers in the van were constantly kept busy all night; lots of coats and hats were handed out tonight.

This week we paid for a hotel bed for an individual needing some respite off the streets. His mother passed away, and he’s not been in a good place, so he was so grateful to be given 2 nights in a hotel so he could have a hot shower and sleep in a warm bed. Sadly, this individual is newly homeless. Sadly, his mother’s passing led to his homelessness. He tends to find places to sleep during the day and stays awake all night as he feels unsafe on the streets. He visited the resource centre feeling well rested. Although we can’t give him a forever home, we can help with a bit more respite.

Tonight visited us; it took a bit of time to place him, but he jogged our memory as we supported him into a hotel during COVID, and he was then supported into a permanent home and returned to thank us for bettering his life and wants to repay us by becoming a Homeless Hampers volunteer. We really found this humbling.

This week we donated 2 TV’s, 2 microwaves, 2 vacuum cleaners, rugs, pots and pans, and bedding to 2 individuals recently rehoused.

We continued our support for the food banks. St Anne’s can continue to provide breakfast provision to our street homeless community, as again this week we continue to provide breakfast items, as well as soap powder, so the guys can wash their clothes and sleeping bags.

Our humble gratitude to:

Thank you to Catherine for cooking the chicken stew; always appreciated.

Thank you Sharon for the donation of cakes you support is always humbling.

As always, thank you to the Woods for donating pizza; the guys love your pizza. You have been supporting us for nearly two years.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating chickpea curry, rice, and paneer wraps.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Thank you to Kirsten for the delicious crumble.

Thank you, Janet, for donating buffet food sausages and bread rolls.

Thank you, Jessica, for the lasagna.

Thank you to Helen for donating supplement drinks and offering to make soup, which really is appreciated in the winter months.

A special thank you to Wakefield Street Kitchen for donating us creates of soft drinks, baby milk, and protein bars; they have pledged to continue supporting us; only working together can we make a difference.

We have had an incredible week of donations. Thank you to each of you. We have received much-needed food donations, clothes, and monetary support.

Tonight we had several news volunteers; we always ask how they found the night, and they all said it was a sad but rewarding experience.

If you want to give us your valuable time as a volunteer, please sign up via the following link;

Hampers 💛

Sunday 22nd September 2024

A real chill in the air tonight, and our first evening of the year that ended in darkness, so we know winter is just around the corner.

There were a number of troubled women crying that visited us tonight.

One came to us begging us not to place her in the queue as she was really hungry. We explained that people start queuing 2 hours before we are due to arrive, and it would be unfair for her to jump the queue. She started crying as she was concerned we would run out of food. We assured her we had plenty of food and if we ran out we would buy her a meal. We actually stood in the queue with her talking to her and reassuring her. Once at the front of the queue, we walked with her through the queue as she made her food choice. She then took her food and sat in a doorway eating the meal as fast as she possibly could. We spent some time talking to her, and it turned out she hadn’t eaten for two days.

The second had fled her home south of the country, leaving behind a violent relationship. She’s had a bit of trouble getting the support she needs. After talking to her, we released part of this is due to her not knowing how to access the support she requires. We spent some time providing vital information. We then provided her with food, clothing and a sleeping bag so she could find a safe place to bed down. We have asked her to access the services and we will follow her up. We know her mental health isn’t great, but tonight she just needed time to sit and for someone to just listen to her. Sadly, she had thoughts of committing a crime, so she didn’t have to be homeless. Which we strongly advise her against doing.

We supported 188 people this evening. People continued to arrive as we finished packing the van at the end of the evening. We ran out of hot meals, but provided sandwiches and pastries. When we arrived at the start of the night, we had 5 people queuing. Our thoughts were it might be a quiet night, but we assumed wrong. Our team of volunteers were amazing, and we had a number of new volunteers.

We support 2 food banks this week. We are so pleased to hear that the support we offer is making a difference.

We delivered food support to 8 homeless hostels and a B&B that accommodates our home community.

Who helped make tonight possible:

Steve for cooking a spicy bean stew as well as donating non non-perishable food.

Thank you to Kirsten, Jo, Saul, Elodie, Niamh, Linz, and Sharon for wholesome baking. The guys really were spoiled for choice tonight.

Thank you to Julie for supplementing drinks for our street homeless community, something they ask us for all the time.

Thank you, Karen, for cooking a chicken stew for the guys for the first time. They really enjoyed it.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals every week and, just as importantly, donating much needed disposable cups, containers and cutlery.

As always, thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating chicken curry and a spinach and paneer curry really enjoyed by all.

Thank you to the congregation of the LDS Church for making up the sandwiches for our Sunday nights.

Thank you to Bal for donating pot noodles, water, flavored drinks, crisps, chocolates and sweet snacks.

Thank you to the Sharma family for their generous donations as they always provided tuna, sweetcorn and pasta meals, drinks and snack packs. An unexpected donation, but one that was really needed with the number of attendances.

Thank you to our team of volunteers that collect and sort our donations. This week we have had 27 backpacks donated. These are really appreciated by our street homeless community as it, helps them keep their belongings safe.

Thank you to Singh restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Team Hampers 💛

Sunday 8th September 2024

It seems a little strange to be saying after last week our numbers tonight remained at a steady 159. We suspect that some of our homeless friends chose to remain in their dryer location or in their tents.

Our team that walks around the city came across individuals that chose not to attend the static kitchen; they supported them with hot drinks and meals. They came across one individual in desperate need of a top, and as our team don’t take clothes around in the trolleys, one of our selfless volunteers had a couple of layers on, took off the top from his back and gave it to the gentleman in need. This is the reasons why we are so proud of all our selfless volunteers, and each and every one of them brings so much care and compassion to our charity.

With the numbers we are seeing, we do sometimes worry about the resources and the meals we can offer, and we see the same worry in the faces of the people queuing. We do our best to ensure no one goes away hungry, but we are seeing a lot of people from all backgrounds accessing our services. Due to early prison releases and no accommodation, things may get tougher.

It’s sad to see people with nothing arguing over clothing as they queue at our current well-stocked van, but things as they are we will run short.

This week not only did we provide breakfast items for the homeless breakfast club, we also provided washing powder so the homeless could wash their clothes.

This week provided hygiene packs into a men’s homeless shelter so men that newly arrive into the hostel have access to products to allow them to take a shower.

This week we supported 2 food banks with donations.

Who helped us make this week possible

A huge, heartfelt thank you to the Rethink Food Project for their generous donations of disposable cups, foil trays, and forks. Bread rolls, crisps, noodles, and a real treat of chocolate. We can’t tell you how perfect the timing of this donation is, as we really are running short of food donations. We are so grateful for the disposable cups and plates, as they are essential but also a big expense to the charity.

We would like to say a special thank you to Janet, a founder volunteer of Homeless Hampers, for making the above possible. Not only that, she made a personal donation of much-needed new joggers and hoodies; these are the items that keep our rough sleepers warm. We often offer jeans, but once these get wet on a day like today, the guys find it takes longer for them to dry out.

Thank you, Catherine, for providing hearty chicken casserol, which the guys loved.

As always, thank you to the Woods for donating pizza; the guys love your pizza. Thank you for all you do.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals; we really are blessed to have your support.

Thank you to Jo Pallan for providing sweet bags a real treat for the guys.

Again, thank you to Ramgarhia Board Sikh Temple Leeds for donating meals, including rice pudding, which the guys love.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating a curry and rice; your support is always appreciated.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Jo Saul and Elodie for the lovely home-baked cakes.

Thank you to Penny for donating boxes of cake and bread. Your support really was really appreciated.

Thank you to all the supermarkets for donating us their surplus waste, as it helps us support a few hundred people each week.

Thank you to our team in Bradford for all their hard work with deliveries of food donations.

This week we have received donations of clothing, rucksacks, electric appliances, and TVs. We thank each and every one of you for all your kindness. We can’t do what we do without your support.

We are grateful to all volunteers for everything they do.

Team Hampers 💛

Sunday 1st September 2024

It’s telling times when 193 people accessed our service tonight. 130 people queued for a hot meal, and our team that walked around the city centre came across 63 people. There was a time that we came across 63 people in total on a Sunday evening; sadly, every week we are seeing these numbers increase. Several of our regular street homeless community committed on how many new faces they are seeing.

Not everyone that visits us is street homeless, some are in temporary accommodation, and some are sofa surfing or sleeping on a friend’s floor. There are also people with homes that can’t afford to buy food, so they access our support. Sadly, we know we shouldn’t exist, but we hope we are a lifeline to those that need us.

Tonight the night turned darker sooner than our previous Sunday, which means the dreaded winter is on its way. After nearly 9 years of Homeless Hampers, these are the nights we and our Homeless community find difficult. It’s hard knowing that after a cold night, we are returning home to a warm house while people sleep in shop doorways and on cold pavements.

This week we would like to thank Jess at Swinnow Morrison’s for donating us 2 cages of desperately needed food for our food parcels. We were also able to support the North Leeds Food Bank and the Meanwood community hub.

Our wonderful team continues to deliver food donations into the homeless hostels 7 days a week in Leeds and Bradford. We also provided hygiene packs, as many people arrive in the hostels with nothing.

Our support for the homeless breakfast club continued, and another week we have provided food support to keep the breakfast club open.

Thank you to everyone that donated the items we mentioned last week, your support helps us to support the people we do.

Thank you to Catherine for cooking up a hearty chicken casserole always popular with our service users.

As always, thank you to the Woods for donating pizza; the guys love your pizza. You have been supporting us for nearly two years.

Thank you to Steve for his amazing continued support.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating a delicious butter chicken curry and rice, the guys loved it.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Thank you to Jo, Elodie, Saul, Tony, and Kirsten for the delicious home baking we served with cream.

Thank you to Penny for donating boxes of cake and bread. Your support really helped us to help a lot of people.

Thank you to Bradford Tesco’s for donating us a box of Club Bar; the guys always love chocolate.

A special thank you to the Bachu family for their generous donation of hot meals, milk, and sugar.

We are so grateful for all the support, as it made tonight possible.

A special mention to all the supermarkets, M&S, Sainsburys, and Morrisons, for their amazing food donations.

Thank you to our team that organised the fundraiser at the Chapel Allerton Festival yesterday we raised £605.86 also like to mention Jo Pallan and Kymmy for organising the face painting and glitter tattoos for youngsters and grown ups.

As always, we would like to thank our selfless volunteers.

Together we will make a difference.💛

Sunday 25th August 2024

We knew that we were in for a busy night as we were taking phone calls from 6.45 am from people stating they were homeless and they hadn’t eaten for a day or so. People continued to call us throughout the day, mentioning that St. George’s Crypt had directed them to seek support from our provision, as they couldn’t help. We supported 182 people with hot meals, desserts, pastries, and snacks. We provided 30 litres of hot drinks. We know our food queue is extremely long, and the guys cheer when they reach the front.

An exceptionally busy bank holiday evening , but our 21 volunteers were outstanding; their care and compassion shone, even though we were challenged at times. One such volunteer felt quite emotional tonight.

Hats off to our volunteers that worked out of the back of the van, they managed the clothing, toiletries, and other necessities required. During the week we stocked the van and all the boxes were packed to capacity, we came away with empty boxes. We never hand out tents, but we completely ran out of sleeping bags.

While we packed the van at the end of the evening, people continued to arrive to be fed, once we ran out, we ended up buying meal deals so no one goes away hungry.

Tonight we felt a colder and darker night creeping in, so winter will be with us soon, a tough time for us but a tougher time for our street homeless friends, and there are so many more than there were last year.

This week we helped 2 individuals with home support; we provided furniture and white goods. We so often walk into flats/houses where our homeless communities have been housed, with no furniture, appliances, or in a poor state. We came across a flat this week that is really dark and needs repairing and decorating. We will look into this individual’s flat. He has been homeless for 8 years and became homeless after losing his mother, and he just couldn’t cope with his loss. We will do what we can to make his new home brighter and cleaner, as knowing him for all these years, we can’t help feeling the need to help.

We are a small Yorkshire-based charity but have so many other charities and commissioned services tapping into us to support them.

This week we provided bedding and clothes and toiletries to homeless hostels in Bradford.

We provide food support to the Leeds and Bradford Homeless Hostels.

We worked with the local council to provide clean bedding to families living in poverty.

Homeless Hampers are privileged to support the community food hubs and food bank with food donations so we can provide hundreds of meals.

As always, we are thankful to.

Steve for cooking a spicy bean stew as well as donating non-perishable food.

Thank you to Sharon for buying 5 rucksacks, chocolate bars, and baking a cake for tonight. We are privileged to have you as part of the Homeless Hampers team.

Thank you to our team for the lovely, wholesome baking of cakes enjoyed by all.

Thank you, Catherine. We are really grateful for all your support. Your chicken stew went down a treat.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals every week and just as important donating much-needed disposable cups, containers, and cutlery

As always, thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating chickpea curry and rice, which were really warm and enjoyed by all.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Thank you to Liz and Mal for their generous donation of new rucksacks.

Thank you to everyone that donated to homeless hampers this week: clothes, some much-needed rucksacks, and again much-needed and appreciated food by us and our homeless community. Thank you to everyone that made a monetary donation. We can’t do what we do without your support.

As the nights turn colder, we are in need of

Mens waterproof winter coats, Mens smaller waist jeans, joggers, boxers, and socks, trainers. Nothing needs to be new, just clean and in reasonable condition. We and our homeless community are grateful for all your support.

Our final gratitude goes to our volunteers for making each week possible. 💛

Sunday 18th August 2024

We end the night by taking one of our homeless friends to a shop to buy him a meal as we ran out of food. Tonight, 118 people visited the static kitchen, and the team on foot came across 59. Thank you to our 26 volunteers, for working incredibly hard this evening, and thank you to everyone that we supported tonight for being so patient, as we know how long the queues are and it can’t be easy waiting when you are hungry. Some people become anxious that we will run out of food, even if we do, we will never let anyone walk away hungry.

A lot of our volunteers and some new to us were taken back as a man arrived barefoot, which we have seen previously, but those new with us were taken back. We offered him a pair of shoes before offering him a meal.

Due to busyness each of our weeks, our Sunday evenings come around so quickly, giving us very little time to deal with the sadness we see. After last week’s post, we had some generous donations of much needed rucksacks, but sadly not enough to go around everyone that needed one. A little argument broke out at the van, which we settled by offering to have to ensure we will have one for the upset individual next week. Some believe our homeless are hostile at times; we believe the behaviour is caused by desperation when you have very little. The importance of a rucksack helps them carry themselves their belongings, and a pair of comfortable trainers helps them walk their daily miles. Thank you to our volunteers that manage the clothing donations from the van as we know how challenging your task can be at times.

This week has been about providing clean bedding and towels. Thank you to Johnson Hotel Linen for four cages full of bedding and towels. We are pleased to say we distributed it all to the homeless hostels. Struggling families with children. We donate bedding to a ladies shelter. We donate 200 towels to the St Anne’s resource centre, so our street homeless attending the centre for a shower have a clean towel to dry themselves.

As always, we are humbled to support the food banks; this week we were able to donate to Otley Foodbank.

As we do each, we provide breakfast items for St Anne’s, but they also requested washing powder so our homeless community can wash and wear clean clothes.

Our humble gratitude to:

Thank you to our teams that do the hostel drops in Leeds and Bradford every week, 7 days a week, you all ensure people eat.

Thank you to Catherine for cooking up a healthy chicken and vegetable stew.

Thank you Steve for your support as always and donating a hearty bean stew and the donations of toiletries and non perishable food.

As always, thank you to the Woods for donating pizza; the guys love your pizza. You have been supporting us for nearly two years.

Thank you to a special lady Jo Pallan, one day she decided to come and see what we are all about and stood and observed and she noticed the fact that our homeless community love sweets, so Jo provided everyone with a sweet bag tonight a real treat for the guys. Jo has pledged to continue her wonderful support.

Thank you to the Leeds Sikh temples for supporting us with meals, rice, and cases of sugar.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating Dahl and Rice, and your support is always appreciated.

Thank you to Singh Restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Thank you to Kirsten for the lovely home-baked cakes.

Thank you to all the supermarket chains that support us with food donations.

It’s true to say everyone involved with us is a volunteer, but we are more than that; we are all part of the Hampers family.

Tonight we had several news volunteers, we always ask how they found the night, and they all said it was a sad but rewarding.

Thank you for donating and supporting Homeless Hampers.

Team Hampers 💛

Sunday 11th August 2024

A really hot night and we know how difficult it was for the guys to queue, we arrived a tad earlier than usual to give ourselves plenty time to set up, unfortunately at this point there was already 50 plus in the queue. So the first thing we did was hand out ice cold water, which was received with smiles and a welcomed relief by the guys.

Lots people asking for clean clothes in particular boxer shorts and fresh socks, wipes and deodorants so this could wipe their skin with baby wipes and freshen and cool themselves with deodorant. Another big ask for tonight was rucksack so they could carry their belongings, but these are few and far between so we run out as soon as we get them.

We ran out of hot food tonight but had plenty of sandwiches and snacks for people to take away.

The team on foot with our trolleys started off quite and assumed they were in for a quiet night, but they were soon overwhelmed and supported 47 people. At the static kitchen we supported 110 another evening of high attendances.

Who else did we support this week:

We offered 4 people support with items with their new homes, we donated a cooker, 4 TV,s, pots and pans, rugs and small furniture. Gives us hope seeing the once homeless building their new homes.

We have continued funding our support for the homeless breakfast club, so the homeless receive a breakfast at St Anne’s Monday to Friday every week.

We supported food donations into 3 food banks and community hubs this week.

Who made this possible:

Thank you to Karen for provided hearty chicken casserole, your support is always appreciated.

As always thank you to the woods for donating pizza, the guys love your pizza. Thank you for all you do.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals, we really are blessed to have your support.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating a Curry and Rice, your support is always appreciated.

Thank you to Singh restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Jo, Saul, Elodie, Kirsten and Linz for the lovely home baked cakes the guys have a sweet tooth so a real treat.

A special thank you to Carol our wonderful volunteer, Wendy and Caz Zumba for donating us a cream tea for the guys a really special treat.

Thank you to all the supermarkets for donating us their surplus waste as it helps us support a few hundred people each week.

Thank you to our team in Bradford for all their hard work with deliveries of food donations.

We just want to say a big thank you to Christine one of our totally hands on trustees for all she does and always standing by us, she is one of the most caring ladies we have ever had the privilege to meet. A real heartfelt thank for caring and all you do.

Once again thank you to each and everyone of our volunteers that supported us to move to our new storage space and many of you still came out and stood by our side tonight after a exhausting day yesterday.

We are grateful to all volunteers for everything they do as we can’t do what we do without you all by our side.

Tonight a young man approached us and asked why do we do what we do, the first answer sprung to mind was because we care.

Team Hampers 💛


Sunday 4th August 2024

Tonight our team that walk around the city centre with trolleys fill with food came across 55 people and at the static kitchen a total of 101 queued for a hot meal. People arrived and felt disheartened at the length of the queue, some chose to wait and some walked away. Early on in the evening we came across 2 individuals that had walked some distances to visit us, they were tried and agitated, by the number of people queuing decided to leave, we found the pair sitting on a bench with coffees we had provided them earlier, both really hungry, so rather than insisting they queue on this occasion we went and bought them their meals, we don’t often see this pair smile but on this occasion we walked away leaving both of them smiling ear to ear and both shouting thanks. They warmed the heart tonight.

People still hot and dehydrated and many just asking for water. Tonight we provided 25+ litres of coffee, tea and hot chocolate. We provided 20 litres of water. We ran out of hot water for hot drinks, kindly The Ivy restaurant, filled our flask of hot water, we are humbly grateful to them for their support and kindness.

The guys were really pleasant and polite many took the time to thank us for being there for them every Sunday evening.

A few people came asking for plasters and bandages due to sores on their feet.

An individual we have known since we started with Homeless Hampers nearly 9 years has finally been housed in suitable accommodation. He came out to see us to tell us his exciting new, he looked really healthy and well. This individual has been sleeping rough for the last 20 years or so.

The second individual again we have supported for several years visited us to tell us, he won’t be coming out to see us anymore as he too has a place to call home, but more importantly he is working with the services to obtain access to his children, he wants a better future for himself and his children. Sad we won’t be seeing but equally overjoyed with his pleasing news, we wish him all the very best for the future.

What else did we achieve this week:

We provided 5 emergency food parcels this week.

We ensured all the homeless hostels in Leeds and Bradford received food donations. We provided fresh bedding and towels for the homeless accommodated in the hostels.

We provided a bed, bedding, towels and furniture for a individual referred to us, this individual is really unwell and we found him sleeping on a stained mattress in the floor, we was a bit overwhelmed with his new bed. We left him sitting on it smiling.

We provided home support to another 3 new homes by donating washing machines, cookers and fridge freezers.

Our support continued into the food banks.

We would likely to thank Catherine as always for her amazing cooking and wonderful support.

As always we are humbly grateful to The Woods in Chapel Allerton for the pizzas they donated, the guys really enjoyed them.

Steve thank you topping up our snack packs and your delicious vegetable stew.

Thank you to Jo, Saul and Elodie for their delicious baking.

Thank you to Brenda from Wrose Chapel Hill for all their home baking and donations cakes.

Thank you to Leeds 11 Sikh temple for providing meals for the static kitchen.

Singhs for supporting us with meals thanks go into the homeless hostels.

Punjabi Heaven for your continued support and donations help us feed people every Sunday evening.

Thank you to Penny for donating a big sack of cocoa, which will keep us in Hot Chocolate for remainder of this year. Equally thank you to Dawn for donating all the milk for the hot drinks provided tonight.

A special thank you to M&S for not only donating us your surplus food but also donating us 3 creates of much needed tinned and packet food for our food hampers.

Genuinely we know that times are difficult for so many people, but the support we were given this week was outstanding a heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of you.

Our total respect and admiration goes to our volunteers we are humbled by each and everyone of you.

Team Hampers 💛

Sunday 28th July 2024

So many of the guys felt the heat exhaustion today, but many of them just queued for their meal patiently. One individual worked his way through the queue and then sat on the pavement, and satisfied his hunger and soon after laid down where he sat and fell asleep, we continued to work around him being careful not to disturb him, when he woke up he stated he was exhausted due to the heat, he had on layers of clothes, which he didn’t remove as he was frightened they would be stolen, and would need them if the night was cooler. He didn’t have a backpack, so next week we will ensure we will take a backpack out just for him.

As hot as it was today people still asked for warm clothes, and coats. Our biggest ask for today was boxer shorts, sleeping bags and trainers, we came across several people in shoe’s either to small or too big, and all with sores on their feet from ill fitting foot wear as some walk miles.

This week we took several calls from people asking us to house them, we made phone enquiries and chased up their housing application, some we sign posted and some we simply couldn’t help due to their circumstances.

Our usual support for the homeless breakfast club continued and we ensured the homeless community will be able to access a breakfast every morning during the week.

We have ensured the food banks have received the donations they require, more as thier provisions are stretched due to the school holidays.

This week we provided home support for 2 individuals, both housed a year ago, but could not afford to buy white appliances, both were extremely grateful with our donations. One individual is a young dad and wants to provide a nice home for his children when they visit.

We have also started delivering fresh bedding packs in to the homeless hostels.

Who made this week possible:

Thank you to our teams that deliver meals into the homeless hostels, B&Bs in Leeds and Bradford.

We are humbly grateful to The Woods in Chapel Allerton for donating fresh piping hot pizzas, the guys always look forward to your pizzas.

Steve for cooking a spicy bean stew as well as donating non perishable food.

Thank you to Sandra for wholesome baking loved by all.

Thank to Jo and family for donating homemade cakes which the guys love.

Once again thank you to Helen and her soon for their home baking, the cupcakes went down a treat.

Thank you Catherine we are really grateful for all your support your chicken stew went down a treat.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals every week and just as important donating much needed disposable cups, containers and cutlery.

As always thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating Dahl and Rice, really warm and enjoyed by all.

Thank you to Singh restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

Incredibly busy incredibly hot but thank you to everyone that supported us tonight.

Humbled by the support of our volunteers tonight you all helped us to have a 163 people. 💛

Sunday 21st July 2024

A steady flow of 170 people reached out to us for some support, pretty much an even split between people with homes, and people sleeping rough. A lot new faces with dogs that have been made homeless visited us and their pets just as hungry as they are. Thank you to Prickly Pigs Hedgehog Rescue for donating us dog that’s not suitable for their patients really does help us to feed homeless dogs.

The team on foot with our trolleys came across 40 rough sleepers and they ensured all of them received a hot meal and food that they could they could save for a time they may not receive a meal.

The team in the van were kept equally as busy, from the point we arrived an individual stood waiting as he just wanted clean underwear and some wipes so he could just wipe his skin and change into clean clothes.

We are taking daily phone calls from people asking where they can seek food support, today being Sunday and the first call was at 7.24am, after listening to people’s unfortunate circumstances even we are lost for words sometimes.

It really has helped us to support local food banks with food donations as we are then able to direct people to the food banks that we support.

If anyone can cook, bake or donate food please contact us as your support will be appreciated by us and the people we support.

We taken quite a few referrals for food parcels this week, we delivered 8 food parcels this week.

We delivered food support into 8 homeless hostels and a B&B that accommodates our home community.

We took a referral from a homeless hostels for an individual that doesn’t leave his room due to his mental health and could we provide a TV, we delivered one for him on the same evening.

Thank you to Kirsten for cooking up a hearty chicken casserole always popular with our service users.

As always thank you to The Woods for donating pizza, the guys love your pizza. You have been supporting us for nearly two years.

Thank you to Steve for his amazing continued support.

Thank you to North Star for donating 4 boxes of crisps at The Docks Leeds, they have pledged to continue supporting us.

Thank you to the Leeds 11 Sikh temple for supporting us with meals and thank you for providing disposable plates, cups and cutlery it really is a big help.

Thank you to Punjabi Heaven for donating an abundance of food, we were able to fill take away containers so people had meals to see them through for a few days, your support is always appreciated.

Thank you to Singh restaurant for helping us support the homeless hostels and the B&B’s accommodating our homeless community.

St Mary’s Church in Wrose for delicious home baking we served a selection of cakes or rice pudding and some wanted both and why not.

Thank you to Linz for her lovely home baking always enjoyed by everyone.

Thank you to the selfless Homeless Hampers volunteers for giving us their valuable time.

